Thursday, June 14, 2018

Step it up Sister!!!

Ok, signs are present. as the charger for the battery for my Canon dslr stopped working..the Universe telling me 'it's time to step it up sister - get out the D4 - it's time to play.....

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Another start

So here it is another day, another start. Over the weekend was great on starts from getting my hair cut really short, to rearranging furniture in my box of an apartment, to getting out and walking a mile and a half in the woods.
This week, sitting down with my new camera and getting aquainted...but that's a title for another blog maybe with trial pictures. So stay tuned...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

It's been a while....

So we meet again. So much has changed, growth, stepping back, and forward - dancing the cha-cha of life as we know it.
It's time to get back to the love of seeing life from different angles, textures, and words...and oh yes colors..
It's been an eventfilled couple of years and as I re-examine my intent, my life, (as one will often do when entered the mid-century stage), my purpose. Seems it's been a long path around a very big barn. I still have more to go...but I sense a change coming.
Stay tuned.....

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I feel like a flower brought home from a garden center and planted in a garden.  Slowly I unfurl my roots.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The White Man Ruin

Here is the shell

This I thought was amazing, it looks almost 3 dimensional.
Had to play with it.

The view

The irony is not lost that this is found on a reservation.....

Monday, May 5, 2014


The time has finally arrived; I am now in Utah.  Stopped to photograph a 'white-man' ruin along the road; a Standard Oil building that is literally in ruins.  Beautiful artwork (graffiti) adorned what walls stood, including the fireplace.  On every subsequent trips to Moab; each time I passed it I made a determination I would photograph it.  Pretty cool.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Personally when I feel I am denying my creativity I feel it create it's own turbulence inside; it keeps building until it's released or I don't know what.

Deny creativity
And the tempest blooms within
Destroying the source